Solar-Tectic patents thin-film technique for manufacture of OLEDs, PV cells, and more

Feb. 5, 2016
BRIARCLIFF MANOR, N.Y. -- Solar-Tectic LLC ("ST") has announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has allowed a patent for hybrid organic/inorganic thin-film growth on inexpensive substrates, such as flexible and ordinary soda-lime glass. The technology was invented by Ashok Chaudhari and is based on the work of the late Dr. Praveen Chaudhari, winner of the 1995 U.S. Medal of Technology. It has applications in various industries such as solar, displays and OLEDs, and OLETs (Organic Light Emitting Diodes and Transistors).

US patent (14/571,800) titled "Hybrid organic/inorganic eutectic solar cell" discloses a unique growth technique that for the first time allows for low temperature deposition of exceptionally high quality polymer/inorganic semiconductor films from a variety of materials such as silicon, and germanium on inexpensive substrates, solving an intractable problem.

The cost-effective thin-film growth process is very well suited for large-scale industrial applications using common deposition processes, such as e-beam, CVD, etc. It is ideal technology for displays used in smartphones, computers, and televisions.

The technology falls under the category of "Third Generation Photovoltaics".

For general inquiries or for licensing of the technology, please contact Carter Ledyard & Milburn LLP ( ([email protected]), 212-238-8850.

About Solar-Tectic LLC ("ST"): Solar-Tectic LLC is a thin-film specialist with a primary focus on developing patented technologies for single crystal or highly textured semiconductor films on glass or metal tapes. The company has a wide portfolio of technologies and IP towards this end, all based primarily on inventions by the late Dr. Praveen Chaudhari, materials physicist and winner of the U.S. National Medal of Technology and Innovation (1995). This past year several papers were published reporting advances in R&D including "Textured [111] crystalline silicon thin film growth on flexible glass by e-beam evaporation" by McMahon et al. (


Ashok Chaudhari - Solar-Tectic