LED momentum builds at annual Street and Area Lighting Conference (MAGAZINE)

Nov. 4, 2010
Presentations at the IES Street and Area Lighting Conference were predominantly centered on LEDs, and there were first-hand opportunities to view SSL installations, reports Maury Wright.
In late September, the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) held the annual Street and Area Lighting Conference (SALC) in Huntington Beach, California with a crowd of more than 600 attendees focused increasingly on LED-based street lights. Attendees from utilities, municipalities, lighting manufacturers, and design houses shared information on how to successfully migrate to energy-saving SSL technology. Moreover, the presentations made it increasingly clear that SSL can deliver superior lighting despite obstacles that still must be overcome.

The most compelling presentations at SALC were all focused on actual LED street light installations. Californian cities including Huntington Beach, Los Angeles and San Jose made presentations, and we’ll get into some of that detail shortly. Moreover, both the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the Climate Group’s LightSavers Global Consortium presented trial data. The exhibits at SALC are limited by the IES to a relatively small area, but LEDs also dominated that space.


This article was published in the November/December 2010 issue of LEDs Magazine. To read the full version of this article, please visit our magazine page, where you can download FREE electronic PDF versions of all issues of LEDs Magazine. You can also request a print copy of LEDs Magazine (available by paid subscription) and sign up for our free weekly email newsletter.