Finn Test Electronics adds Mega FINN to family of LED sensors for test applications

March 7, 2016
Mega FINN is the latest addition to the FINN family of LED sensors. Mega FINN is 100 times faster than other LED sensors on the market - delivering most LED color and intensity measurements in 3 milliseconds or less. It detects 2000 different hues between Blue (400 nm) and Red (700nm) and achieves accuracy of +/- 0.3% with an average resolution of 0.1 nm throughout the visible spectrum.

The Mega FINN calculates the color and intensity of the light being tested, converting it to an easy to read signal for comparing LEDs and other light sources. The Mega FINN LED sensors output a frequency in kHz that quantifies the LED's color. The same signal quantifies the intensity of the LED by measuring its pulse-width (average DC voltage).

The Mega FINN combines the form factor of its predecessor, the Ultra FINN, with a new operating program that allows for greater speed and stability as well as the ability to work with additional types of light sources such as pulsing LEDs. It is capable of measuring any pulse width modulation LED pulsing at 50Hz or greater.

With LED test, the number one problem programmers face is turning on the LEDs for their assembly under test. Challenges such as charging caps on the board, back driving digital components, and tester resource compliance are no longer an issue. The Mega FINN algorithms solve the issues that could cause erroneous sampling, resulting in reduced user implementation problems and the less susceptibility to the effects of ambient light.

Installation for Mega FINN is easy. It has just three pins - output (signal), ground and power. An improved sleeve uses more durable wire wrap terminations and multiple press rings. The required power source for these LED sensors is 5.0 volts DC and current is typically 17mA.

Mega FINN can be used in any functional and in-circuit test environment on any platform. Customers have the flexibility to test light sources using anything from simple stand alone meters to fully integrated and automated equipment.

When test requirements call for the absolute fastest test time possible and when quality control demands reliable, highly accurate and clear cut measurements, choose Mega FINN. Please visit for more information.


Corinne Weston, Director of Marketing - Finn Test Electronics
+1-847-885-4880 ext. 1105