Samsung Electronics has announced three new families of packaged LEDs that target usage in mobile devices and that will debut February 24-27 at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. The products include two LEDs in a reflector-integrated package for flash applications, one LED in a flip-chip package for flash applications, and two side-view LEDs targeted at edge-lighting mobile device screens.
The reflector-integrated devices are designed to enable a wider field of view (FOV) or wider beam angle for the camera flash in high-end mobile devices. That wider FOV improves picture quality. Meanwhile, the integrated reflector design allows the LEDs to fit in a small footprint within the mobile device. Indeed, Samsung said the reflector design includes optics and diffusion features in the package.
Samsung supplies the reflector-based designs in a 3432 package that stands 1.8 mm high. The FH341A model delivers 165 lx at 1A and a minimum CRI of 80. The product is due shortly in a new Samsung Galaxy smartphone. The FH341B is even thinner at 1.4 mm and delivers 165 lx.
Samsung supplies the reflector-based LED designs in a 3432 package that stands 1.8 mm high. |
The flip-chip Flash LED is offered in a smaller 2016 package and targets mid-range mobile devices including products in smaller form factors than the leading smartphones. Samsung said the phosphor deposition technique using a cell-film technology improves color deviation by 40% and the LED will come in at a new lower price point relative to earlier 2016-packaged LEDs.
The flip-chip Flash LED is offered in a smaller 2016 package and targets mid-range mobile devices. |
For the screen-lighting application, Samsung has announced the MS062F and MS082F LEDs. Both of the devices are in a 3810 package and stand 0.6- and 0.8-mm high, respectively. The low profile is crucial in allowing product developers to mount the side-view LEDs along the bevel of the screen.
For the screen-lighting application, Samsung has announced the MS062F and MS082F LEDs. |
The smaller MS062F delivers 3.1 cd while the MS082F delivers 3.2 cd. Both products have a very low typical forward voltage at 2.9V that enables increased energy efficiency.
Samsung is far from alone in supplying side-view LEDs. For example, Seoul Semiconductor announced 0.6-mm side-view LEDs last March that it said offered a 10% advantage in lumen output at the time.
The new LEDs are yet another example of the vertical integration in evidence at Samsung whether the application is consumer electronics or lighting. "Samsung is becoming an integrated LED component solutions provider that offers highly differentiated value to customers by producing outstanding LED component solutions which are shaping new directions in mobile devices," said Bangwon Oh, senior vice president on the LED strategic marketing team at Samsung Electronics.