DOE announces dates for 2006 SSL workshop

Oct. 12, 2005
The US Department of Energy will hold its annual Solid-State Lighting Workshop in early February 2006 in Orlando.
The US Department of Energy will host a Workshop on at the Grosvenor Hotel in Orlando, Florida, on February 1-3, 2006.

The Workshop provides a forum for sharing progress reports on the portfolio of projects in the DOE's Solid-State Lighting program.

The 2006 Workshop brings together SSL experts to address the multi-disciplinary, multi-industry, science-to-market challenges facing SSL technology.

The Workshop is sponsored by DOE's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (Building Technologies Program), and will include a Contractors' Meeting featuring basic research relevant to SSL supported by the Office of Science (Basic Energy Science Program) on February 1.

Research updates
The agenda will include a series of brief presentations from researchers involved in DOE-funded projects:

Project reports on BES-supported fundamental research related to SSL will highlight advances in physical, chemical, and materials sciences that could lead to new synthesis techniques and novel materials. Progress reports on SSL R&D projects under way will identify opportunities for potential collaboration, intellectual property discussions, and integration into future planning.

The Workshop will also focus on DOE SSL commercialization support activities, providing updates on the development of SSL standards, an ENERGY STAR designation for SSL products, design competitions, and more.

These updates will identify opportunities for industry and energy organizations to collaborate on promotion, incentive, and education programs.