Toyo Ito, one of the world's most innovative and influential architects, is known for creating extreme concept buildings, in which he fuses the physical and virtual worlds. His latest design of the Fira Barcelona Gran Via in Barcelona runs true to form being based on recurring organic forms where water, natural light and well-conceived interior illumination all dominate the design.
One of these organic forms can be clearly seen in the design of the vestibule (main entrance), where the façade itself is of curved glass, with organic walls protecting it and a flat upper deck with an architectonic projection jutting from its edges.
In keeping to the organic form, Toyo Ito also integrated a large circular 360 degree LED display, inside the entrance hall. Visible from both ground and first floors (as well as outside), the circular LED display is build out of 2,000 MiStrips, Barco’s creative LED display element.
The MiStrip LED display measures 1.5m in height, is 32m in diameter and stretches for a circumference of approximately 100m. The LED display has a vertical pixel pitch of 13mm and horizontal pitch of 50mm, providing seamless video reproduction for all new arrivals to the entrance hall.
Fira 2000, who is fully responsible for the administration and execution of the expansion of the grounds of Fira Barcelona at Gran Via, played a key role in the selection of the MiStrip for the project.
The Fira 2000 project manager states: “To create the 360 degree circular design, we needed an LED solution which was flexible enough to be integrated seamlessly into a 360 degree curved form. Because of the small space restrictions, we also needed an LED element which was very slim and front accessible for maintenance purposes. Barco’s MiStrip was the only product on the market that met this tough criteria. And what's more, because of its wide viewing angles and high brightness it ended up the perfect choice for the job.”
As well as creating an ambience of nature and reflecting a relaxed mood of nature, the LED display also provides visitors with practical information. Another 500 MiStrips are also integrated into seven other LED displays - of various sizes - ranging from 4 to 8 square meters - at each of the entrances to the pavilion 8.