ITW Lumex® offers QuasarBrite™ dot matrix LED display technology with UART interface

Oct. 27, 2016
Carol Stream, IL — ITW ECS brand Lumex® announces the release of the QuasarBrite™ Dot Matrix LED Display Module equipped UART interface which features a 96x8 dot matrix LEDs on single PCB. The UART LED Display has on board driver ICs, ideal for displays need more than one single 8x8 dot matrix. With the UART interface it can shorten the developing process and simplified the PCB layout. It is the most friendly dot matrix LED display ever for engineer, maker and student.

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For over 30 years, Lumex, an Illinois Tool Works Inc., company, has been a global leader in the optoelectronics industry, with the broadest range of high efficiency, high performance, LED indicator lights, custom LEDs and LCDs in the industry. With thousands of standard products and a focus on semi-custom and custom LED lights designs, Lumex is a valuable resource for quality and innovation. Lumex's optical range encompasses a wide spectrum including UV, visible and infrared wavelengths. Lumex's team of Technical Design Specialists are experts in collaboratively developing effective, smart solutions from the most complex design dilemmas.


Richard Hsieh - ITW Electronic Component Solutions
ITW Formex | ITW Linx | ITW Lumex
+886 -3-5821124

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