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  • Volume 18, Issue 7

    LEDs Magazine October 2021 issue
    Photo credit: Image by Ferenc Mayer via Pixabay; used under free license for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Image does not represent the project discussed in this article.
    Connected SSL & Controls

    Outdoor mesh network delivers smart strategy for pathway lighting (MAGAZINE)

    Nov. 8, 2021
    CLAUDE ZHU shows how controls support safety and efficiency goals in a mesh-network case study of outdoor area lighting for pedestrian and non-automotive travel.
    Scores 1021 Mag
    LEDs & SSL Design

    Focus On Sapphire Awards (MAGAZINE)

    Nov. 3, 2021
    Narrow margins between submissions in the seventh Sapphire Awards prove the industry has moved beyond energy efficiency to distinguish products with premium architectural, light...
    Photo credit: Image by Michal Jarmoluk via Pixabay; used under free license for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
    Manufacturing Services & Testing

    L-Prize concept phase offers rare opportunity for innovators (MAGAZINE)

    Oct. 29, 2021
    PNNL’s KATE HICKCOX offers an inside look at meeting criteria for the L-Prize program concept phase and insights into the exciting opportunities for commercial SSL advancement...
    Photo credit: Image of David Barnby courtesy of Samsung.
    Horticultural Lighting

    Vertical farming should capitalize on full-spectrum LEDs (MAGAZINE)

    Oct. 26, 2021
    Samsung’s DAVID BARNBY explains how white-based full-spectrum LEDs can support a number of desirable plant characteristics in controlled environment agriculture.
    Photo credit: Image of Guggenheim Museum by Manolo Franco via Pixabay; used under free license for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
    Architectural Lighting

    Light quality should drive LED and SSL sector successes (MAGAZINE)

    Oct. 21, 2021
    The comprehensive Strategies in Light program touched all angles of the LED and solid-state lighting technology sectors, and MAURY WRIGHT reports that the key messages resounded...

    More content from Volume 18, Issue 7

    Image credit: Graphic by Gerd Altmann via Pixabay; used under free license for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
    Connected SSL & Controls

    BACnet provides an ideal smart building backbone (MAGAZINE)

    Oct. 13, 2021
    Building owners and controls specifiers should adopt robust BACnet interfaces for lighting controls systems to enable full integration with building systems and support automation...
    Mwright Leds Headshot
    Architectural Lighting

    Collin Strategies keynote challenges SSL sector to find new business models (MAGAZINE)

    Oct. 13, 2021
    Could the SSL industry find a new lease on life by putting lighting selection into the end users’ hands? MAURY WRIGHT considers this option as it was proposed during Strategies...