Solid State Lighting conference issues Call for Papers

Dec. 3, 2004
SPIE has released its Call for Papers for Optics & Photonics 2005, which includes the Fifth International Conference on Solid State Lighting.

Optics & Photonics 2005 is co-located with the SPIE 50th Annual Meeting and takes place on 31 July-4 August 2005 at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego, California, USA.

The program on Illumination Engineering, chaired by Ian Ferguson of Georgia Institute of Technology, includes the Fifth International Conference on Solid State Lighting (IE431) and Organic Light-Emitting Materials and Devices IX (NP424).

Abstracts for the Fifth International Conference on Solid State Lighting are due 17 January 2005.

The Chairs for the Fifth International Conference on Solid State Lighting are Ian Ferguson; John Carrano of DARPA; Tsunemasa Taguchi of Yamaguchi University, Japan; and Kevin Leadford of Lithonia Lighting.

The conference is interested in receiving papers that cover improvements in solid state light sources and the use of these devices in lighting applications, such as:

* solid state light sources
* light-emitting diodes (growth, fabrication, and optimization)
* UV/pumped phosphors
* lighting phosphor technology (YAG, tricolor, etc.)
* LED fabrication improvements (light and heat extraction)
* packaging (light and heat extraction, phosphor downconversion)
* LEDs and lasers in lighting applications
* illumination design for general lighting
* CIE and chromaticity measurements
* rare-earth doped LEDs
* electroluminescence crystals
* electrode-less sources
* sulphur dimer sources
* architectural lighting
* drive electronics for lighting systems

Conference coverage

The continued development of high-brightness LEDs based on III-Nitrides and AlInGaP has led to the possibility of revolutionary new approaches for lighting and general illumination. Efficient UV/Blue solid state sources fabricated from III-Nitrides can be coupled to phosphors for visible color and white light generation. Red, green, and blue LEDs can be combined to make high brightness and dynamically adjustable white sources.

However, while an LED can now exceed the luminous efficiencies of incandescent light bulbs (>30 lumens/watt), they must improve both total light output and cost per lumen output to be competitive with existing lighting technologies. LEDs typically operate at powers from 0.1-5 watts compared to many tens of watts for an incandescent source. A current LED light source costs ~$0.10 per lumen compared to <$0.001 per lumen for traditional light bulbs. LED structures designed to maximize the light extraction efficiency and operate at higher powers for high lumen output are now being produced. However, many material and device challenges still remain such as including improving high-power efficiencies and high-temperature performance.

The implementation of LEDs, and even lasers, in general lighting applications will require new lighting paradigms that are only now being considered. The most appropriate metrics for measuring LEDs for lighting applications are still being considered. There have also been rapid advances made in the development of organic and polymeric LEDs and are now exhibiting efficiencies similar to inorganic devices. These devices may also have utility in lighting applications and are more likely provide broad illumination sources than the point sources produced by inorganic devices. Other approaches can be taken to producing solid state lighting sources. These include electrode-less sources and rare earth doping of GaN.

Solid state lighting technology is rapidly advancing and very large markets are waiting for new technologies that can deliver more efficient light sources. The use of LEDs in solid state lighting is the technology of the future for lighting and general illumination.