UK hospital installs LEDs to save energy costs and improve illumination

April 29, 2008
Norfolk and Norwich U. Hospital will save GBP1600 pounds annually by replacing the halogen lights in its atrium with PuraLED luminaires.
Serco Group plc. has recently completed the installation of LED luminaires into the East Atrium of the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, UK. Central to the project was the direct replacement of the existing 150-200W Halogen fixtures with the luminaires supplied by PuraLED, the architectural and commercial lighting division of Zyphos LED Systems Ltd. (previously Enphos LED Systems Ltd.).
LED lighting in hospital atrium Serco calculated the hospital will save GBP1,600 annually in energy costs to light the atrium and that the entire project is expected to pay for itself through the savings in energy and reduced maintenance costs.

The halogens that were ceiling-mounted at 18 m had required regular lamp replacement after every 5,000 hrs of operation. However, the "new lights are to be on 8 hours per night, which given the expected lifetime of the fixture LEDs, means they should still be operational in 20 years. All the fixtures are low wattage; the biggest of our ø225 Series 36LED spots draw just 54 W, so the installation is both very economical in maintenance terms and carries a fast payback in energy saving,” said Steve Whiteley, operations director for Zyphos.

“The atrium has three levels,” Whiteley continued. “On the ground floor, there is a conference area and a shop that are closed during the evening. However, the main entrance is used by shift personnel. The walkways and corridors leading off from the atrium provide access to wards, theatres and other hospital facilities. So achieving the correct level of illumination was not just a matter of aesthetics, but also of traffic and safety.”

Zyphos supplied a mix of PuraLED floodlights, projectors and spotlights, a total of 46 fixtures that were all pure-white LED versions with a 5500K-7500K light temperature. The installation was completed in two days.