Kopin evaluates partnership offers for LED business

Oct. 29, 2004
Kopin Corporation is evaluating potential manufacturing partnerships for its CyberLite LED line
Kopin, the US company that manufactures CyberLite miniature displays and semiconductor s for wireless handsets, says that it is evaluating options for its LED business line.

In 2002, Kopin first revealed that it had developed low-operating-voltage LEDs using a technology it described as "nanopockets" (see Kopin samples CyberLite blue LEDs).

The company reported in early 2003 that its blue CyberLite LED had been qualified by a tier-one packaging customer based in Asia.

However, earlier this year, Kopin expressed doubts that it would be able to bring the LED technology into full commercial production.

As part of Kopin's latest financial results statement, the company's president and CEO, John Fan, said: "Within our CyberLite product group, we are evaluating options for this product line, with the goal of pairing Kopin's superior technology with a lower cost manufacturing base.

"A number of companies have approached us about potential partnerships, and we expect to complete the evaluation process by the end of this year," added Fan.

Fan said that in parallel, Kopin is continuing its efforts to make new high-performance CyberLite products aimed at mid- and high-end LED applications.

Kopin's revenue for the third quarter of 2004 was $22.9 million, down 3% sequentially, with $13.2 million from the company's CyberDisplay unit, and $9.7 million from HBT products used mainly in wireless handsets.

Kopin says that its display technology is currently used in nearly one-third of the world's cell phones and camcorders, and is the microdisplay standard for the U.S. military.