LEDs Magazine September 2012 issue

Sept. 6, 2012
The September 2012 issue of LEDs Magazine is now available.

+++ Cover +++

Architect Moshe Safdie led a revamp of the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in Kansas City, MO including new façade lighting in the Muriel Kauffman Theatre that uses linear flexible Tivoli LED strip lights (see page 9).

+++ Features +++

SIL Europe to focus on LED lighting in challenging European environment
With the theme of "Growth, profitability and new opportunities for LED lighting in a challenging economy," this year's Strategies in Light Europe 2012 conference takes place in Munich, Germany on September 18-20, reports Bob Steele.

REGIONAL FOCUS Europe provides funds and updates legislation to stimulate growth in SSL A number of initiatives and funding programs in Europe continue to promote solid-state lighting as both a key enabling technology and a way to build industrial strength and create jobs, writes TIM WHITAKER.

LED lighting market holds steady in 2012
Strategies Unlimited is forecasting a flat LED lighting market for 2012 relative to 2011, with growth in retail and industrial/commercial lighting offset by contraction in retrofit lamps, as reported by VRINDA BHANDARKAR, ELLA SHUM and LAURA PETERS.

TECHNOLOGY Remote-phosphor technology can deliver a more uniform and attractive light output from LED lamps Remote-phosphor systems can yield uniform light from a large emitting surface, and can eliminate the need for a secondary optic to achieve the desired light distribution, as MARTIN SCHIEL explains.

LIFE SCIENCES Monochromatic and colored LEDs open new frontiers in solid-state lighting LED-based lighting can deliver narrow-spectrum light that RAJENDRA SWAMY says can provide real benefits in life-science applications such as plant growth, aquarium lighting, and general lighting that is wildlife friendly.

Semiconductor industry moves toward automated LED production on 6-inch wafers
Driven by market demand, the semiconductor industry progressed toward consensus on buildingblock standards for automating LED production on 6-in wafers at the Semicon West conference, explains PAULA DOE.

IP strategy plays key role in LED business development
Companies that are developing LED lighting products need to have an awareness of the wider patent landscape to help them develop, protect and exploit their own intellectual property to its fullest, as JACKIE MAGUIRE and DAVID SEGAL explain.

The China LED wafer market: A story of commoditization
LUKE JOHNSON explains how a commoditization approach to high-quality LEDs for solid-state lighting has failed in China.

Standards emerge for thermal characterization of LEDs
JIANZHONG JIAO explains that accurate and standardized characterization of LED junction temperature is critical to SSL product manufacturers developing optimal designs.

MANUFACTURING Long lead times hamper SSL sales and broader deployment LED lighting manufacturers can minimize supply chain issues by focusing on supplier fulfillment, selecting sources, and service standards explains RAY SJOLSETH.

Take a comprehensive system view when considering remote phosphor
Remote-phosphor technology can reduce LED component cost, increase system efficacy, and simplify thermal systems in SSL products, says MITCH JANSEN of Intematix.

+++ Columns/departments +++

Moving beyond SSL's early adopters


  • Tivoli LED fixtures light revamped Kauffman Center
  • LEDs and remote-phosphor optics light Olympic TV studios
  • Osram and Samsung settle out of court
  • LEDs medal in London Olympics
  • LRC’s ASSIST turns 10
  • Lighting Facts begins QA testing program
  • Soraa will lead DOE funded research on GaN substrates
  • DOE verifies high-performing BR30/R30 lamps, AR111 lamps disappoint