UK Displays & Lighting network host Lighting Debate

June 22, 2006
The UKDL is hosting a "debate workshop" looking at competing technologies for different applications.
It is well known that within both the displays and lighting markets "one size does not fit all" with regard to the technologies that are most suited to different applications.

With this in mind, the UK Displays and Lighting (UKDL) knowledge transfer network (KTN) is hosting the first of a series of "debate workshops" where speakers are invited to discuss and help position their technology in direct comparison to the competing technologies in the marketplace.

* Venue: Bletchley Park, Milton Keynes, UK
* Time: Wednesday July 19, 2006, from 09.45 am to 17.00pm

Download the Agenda and Registration Form (PDF, 200K)

Chris Williams, UKDL Network Director, says, "In the first technology session we have asked our speakers from academia to discuss the principles of how their technology works, to define the maximum theoretical efficiency levels that might be achieved together with absolute power handling levels and absolute light flux densities, and to benchmark this against current market products."

In the second technology session, speakers from industry have been invited to discuss the practical implementation of lighting technologies, and to identify where they face major hurdles to achieve the theoretical performance levels outlined by the academics and how these may be addressed.

"In the final session, we have asked our Industrial System Integrators to comment on the various lighting technologies and to offer us their own vision of how the markets may develop in the future," says Williams.

This one-day event is designed to offer delegates a full exposure to the different lighting technologies available today, and to better understand how each technology has unique performance characteristics and inherent limitations. There will be opportunities during the day to question the speakers about their claims, and for general networking with each other.

After the debate workshop event closes there will be a guided tour of the Bletchley Park facility, followed by a Networking Dinner to allow additional discussions with the speakers and with fellow delegates.
