Aluwave wins contract for LED light engines

Oct. 28, 2008
Swedish thermal materials supplier Aluwave will provide light engines to a European lighting manufacturer.
Aluwave AB has signed a development and supply contract for a light engine based on its LED substrate material Alunat™.

The contract value is estimated to 10 MSEK (approx $1.3 million) over four years and the unnamed customer is a European-based, multinational lighting manufacturer.

The project had strong requirements for a high-quality technical solution, says Aluwave AB. The properties of the company's Alunat™ material were required in order to reach high light output in combination with low power consumption and long product life.

“I am very proud to receive this trust in us and our material,” said Jonas Stålhandske, CEO of Aluwave AB, and continues “We see that our adaptable Aluwave Light Engine really helped our customers as it simplifies the product development at a low entry cost.”

The development has started and commercial launch is expected in the beginning of next year.