LEDs Magazine News & Insights 7 Oct 2020 – Editor’s Column

Oct. 7, 2020

Welcome to the LEDs Magazine News & Insights newsletter for Oct. 7, 2020. Our deployment this week will be very events oriented although we do have the obligatory germicidal ultraviolet (UV) story. Fall is a busy time with or without a pandemic present. Of course, the tech media faces nowhere near the challenge presented to mainstream news media in recent days.

We had a link last Wednesday to Carrie Meadows’ timely coverage on day one of our Renaissance of Light Quality virtual conference last week. If you missed it, you can still register and catch the archived presentations.

Carrie meanwhile continued her exemplary effort of writing into the night following a long day with conference duties, and posted a story on day two of the event. That second article looked at some of the incredible insight on advanced luminaire design offered by Eoin Billings and Duncan Jackson of Billings Jackson Design and also Basar Erdener of LED Linear. Moreover, UL and the GSA presented on the new UL guidelines for circadian lighting and how the GSA will use those guidelines in its buildings.

Moving to the aforementioned UV-C-band (100–280-nm) story, our Mark Halper covered a new airport-centric application for such disinfection. The trio of LED iBond, LED Aviation, and Vanderlande will offer a UV-C system for use in airport luggage-tray conveyor systems.

Mark also wrote a story about a new UV-based air purifier for use in automobiles. But that system is based on longer-wavelength UV-A-band irradiance. It would not deactivate SARS-CoV-2 quickly enough to protect auto occupants from COVID-19.

We have upcoming events I want to mention both that we will produce and that other organizations are planning. The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) will hold its annual Street & Area Lighting Conference (SALC) virtually over the course of Oct. 26–28. SALC has long been one of my favorite events and the attendees are a unique close-knit community that I will sorely miss seeing in person this year. But I look forward to the online presentations.

Nearer term, we have a webcast slated for next Tuesday from Dow on moldable optical silicone. Silicone has been a key enabler in many complex secondary optics. And I can tell you that there is a compelling video from an auto OEM included in the presentations. Register to learn more about the features that enable complex designs in SSL applications.

The following week, we will host our second virtual conference — the HortiCann Light + Tech conference. HortiCann was planned as a in-person event originally whereas our Renaissance event last week was conceived to be virtual. But the pandemic forced our hand with HortiCann. We still have an outstanding lineup for you and this will be our fifth annual horticultural-centric conference. I do have to warn you that if you registered on the original site launched for the live event, you will need to visit our new registration page and select the specific sessions you plan to attend. And I apologize — there is somehow not a select all button, but you can click all the checkboxes to register for all sessions at once.

You will find many more stories of interest in the body of today’s newsletter. And always feel free to contact me to discuss content we post or to pitch a contributed article.

- Maury Wright, (858) 748-6785, [email protected]