Trilux Akademie - Lighting & the Digital Revolution

Oct. 28, 2017 - Oct. 29, 2017
At the Lighting & the Digital Revolution theme event on 27th October in Manchester the Trilux Akademie will provide a fascinating insight into the future of light and look at the role it will play in the digital revolution. Renowned lighting experts and Trilux specialists will discuss future lighting technologies amongst other topics and will also be explaining how manual override can be avoided. The free event ends with a networking session.



At the Lighting & the Digital Revolution theme event on 27th October in Manchester the Trilux Akademie will provide a fascinating insight into the future of light and look at the role it will play in the digital revolution. Renowned lighting experts and Trilux specialists will discuss future lighting technologies amongst other topics and will also be explaining how manual override can be avoided. The free event ends with a networking session.