Letter to the Editor: Neo-Neon licenses CK technology

Jan. 1, 2007
Neo-Neon has written a letter to LEDs Magazine in response to our article concerning their licensing agreement with Color Kinetics.
On December 18, 2006, Color Kinetics and Neo-Neon announced a patent licensing agreement between the two companies – see Color Kinetics licenses LED patent portfolio to Neo-Neon.

Our article also mentioned that, on December 4, Color Kinetics had filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Neo-Neon in the US District Court in Massachusetts. The lawsuit was dismissed on December 12. The article implied a possible link between the lawsuit and the licensing agreement.

The following letter was sent by Peter Jang, Director of Sales and Marketing, Neo-Neon Holding Ltd.


Dear Editor,

This is in response to your December 19, 2006 article, regarding Neo-Neon's licensing of Color Kinetics' patent portfolio. Please note that Neo-Neon had been in licensing negotiations with Color Kinetics for many months prior to signing the final agreement earlier last month.

While Color Kinetics may have felt the tactical need to file a patent infringement lawsuit against Neo-Neon during negotiations to preserve its legal rights, it did not serve Neo-Neon with the lawsuit nor was Neo-Neon aware of it.

In fact, Neo-Neon did not know a lawsuit had been filed until the day when the negotiation had been concluded and the lawsuit had been dismissed on the same day.

Neo-Neon looks forward to its business relationship with Color Kinetics in 2007 and beyond.

Very Truly Yours,

Peter Jang
Director of Sales and Marketing
Neo-Neon Holding Ltd.