High-Brightness LED: Market Review and Forecast 2008 (Ninth Edition)

Oct. 1, 2008

Report Price: $5,450.00
Number of Pages: 196
Publish Date: October 2008

The HB LED market rebounded from its slow growth period of 2004-2006 growing by 9.5% to $4.6 billion in 2007. The market also showed strong growth across many market segments. In fact, the market grew by 20% in non-mobile phone applications. Unit growth also remained strong and posted a 26% gain in 2007.

To understand this dynamic market and its driving forces, Strategies Unlimited has completed this comprehensive report that looks at the demand side of the high-brightness LED market. The report includes an applications analysis, worldwide market review, five-year market forecast and a supplier market share analysis. Now in its 9th edition, High-Brightness LED Market Review and Forecast – 2008 is the most recent edition in a series of reports published on the LED industry by Strategies Unlimited, the leading market research firm covering HB LEDs and other optoelectronic devices.