CRS helps shine LED light on Ontario’s Green Energy Act

June 4, 2009
A new law passed by in Ontario will grow help to grow the province's economy in a greener and more sustainable direction.

Smitherman and Riesebosch On May 14, 2009, Bill 150 was given Royal Assent in the Province of Ontario, Canada, signing into law the new Green Energy Act, 2009. This Act is intended to build a green economy in Ontario, under the leadership of Ontario Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, George Smitherman.

Currently, Ontario is in need of jobs and economic development opportunities. The traditional manufacturing economy is in a downturn and the Province needs to generate significant and meaningful jobs. “Green-collar” jobs will grow Ontario’s economy in a greener and more sustainable direction. The Green Energy and Economy Act is set to fulfill this need.

On June 2, Smitherman hosted a celebration of this momentous event at Toronto’s flagship Hard Rock Cafe in the heart of downtown Toronto, where over 400 guests attended to celebrate Minister Smitherman’s “shining” moment.

Not only shining in the light of the new Act, Minister Smitherman was shining in the light coming from a room full of LED lighting supplied and installed by Canadian company CRS Electronics of Welland, Ontario.

Hard Rock Toronto CRS had replaced over 100 halogen MR-16s with their new LED MR-16. Prior to the event, Hard Rock management and their lighting and sound technician commented on how impressed they were with the technology, the brightness and the resemblance to the quality of lighting offered by the incumbent technology. They explained that Hard Rock is very environmentally conscious and has undertaken a number of initiatives throughout the restaurant chain.

One of only a few SSL products actually manufactured in Canada and more relevant to this occasion, in the Province of Ontario, this is truly representative of the development of a green economy in Ontario.

Minister Smitherman acknowledged Scott Riesebosch, President of CRS, for his efforts, commenting, “These new MR16 LED lights will save of 80% of the energy used by current Halogen lights.” The picture shows the two men together.

Ken Elsey, President and CEO of the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance (CEEA), a keen interested observer of the path of solid-state lighting, applauded Minister Smitherman for this renewed green activity in Ontario.

This strong leadership in Ontario and other Canadian provinces will definitely set the pace for Canada as a whole and the Canadian Federal Government.