London looking for LEDs lights in Trafalgar Square fountains

April 17, 2008
The Greater London Authority is looking for a contractor to replace the lighting system in the Trafalgar Square fountains with a new high specification LED lighting system.
Autumn 2008 will see major restoration works to the fabric of the fountains in Trafalgar Square, the historic area in the center of London. The proposal is to install a new high specification LED lighting system together with the replacement and upgrade of the existing cabling and associated electrical work. In each of the two fountains there are currently 28 individual waterproof luminaries, fitted with 250-watt halogen lamps.
Invitation for Expression of Interest

The Greater London Authority (GLA) invites applications for inclusion in a list of tenderers to replace the lighting system to the fountains on Trafalgar Square. The contract is intended commence in late September 2008, to be completed by 28 November.

The works will include:

  • Isolate and strip out redundant luminaries and cables.
  • Install new color LED luminaries, cabling and electrical distribution.
  • Install new lighting control system

Interested parties should complete a pre-qualification questionnaire and submit this to the GLA by 1pm (BST) on 7 May 2008.

Requests for the questionnaire and draft specification should be made by email to: [email protected].

The contract will be awarded to the successful contractor on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender received by the Authority, as assessed according to the criteria to be listed in the Instructions to Tenderers. The GLA is committed to maximising diversity and welcomes applications from all sectors of the business community including small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

Background and further details

Trafalgar Square, at the heart of London, is one of the most iconic and renowned squares in the world and is visited by up to 13 million people per year. The square is both a landmark and a stage for cultural, educational, artistic and sporting events, ceremonies and festivals.

Dominating the Square are the 184ft high Nelson’s Column and two large fountains first installed in 1844 and later remodelled in the late 1930s. The monuments and statues on the square have individual heritage classifications, with the fountains being Grade II* listed structures. The fountains operate every day between 8.15am and 11.30pm.

The existing lighting system was installed in 1992 and is showing signs of extensive wear and is well beyond its useful life.

The proposal is to install a new high specification LED lighting system together with the replacement and upgrade of the existing cabling and associated electrical work. In each of the fountains there are currently 28 individual waterproof luminaries each fitted with a 250-watt halogen lamp.

The key objectives for the lighting renewal are to:

  • reduce the carbon footprint of the square by as much as 16,400 kg CO2 per year
  • operate a more robust system that reduces running costs and maintenance
  • reduce the levels of outage as a result of lamp failures
  • use of coloured light and sequencing for major events

The works are due to commence on 29 September 2008 and will need to be completed without fail no later than the end of November 2008. The fountains will then be ready in time for the traditional Christmas tree celebrations in Trafalgar Square.