Toshiba reviews lighting business with emphasis on LEDs

June 19, 2008
Toshiba plans to stop production of filament lamps in 2010 and move towards eco-friendly lighting
Toshiba Corporation has announced ambitious plans to contribute to reductions in global carbon dioxide emissions by supplying more environmentally-friendly energy systems and "eco-products".

Contributing to the company's goals will be a new lighting business in which LEDs will play a significant role.

The company intends to achieve total reductions by FY2025 equivalent to 82 million tons a year through its energy systems supply business and equivalent to 35.7 million tons through eco products.

Eco products include a strong emphasis on lighting. The company quoted a report saying that lighting accounts for 16% of the power consumed in homes, a fact underpinning growing demand for eco-friendly fluorescent lamps and LED lamps to replace incandescent lamps.

Earlier this year, Toshiba said that it would discontinue production of normal filament lamps by 2010. The eliminated items cover 81 filament lamps with E26-type caps.

Toshiba also established a cross-company organization to bring a renewed impetus to management of the lighting business and to "utilize integrated capabilities and accelerate global business."

The aim is to generate sales of 1 trillion yen ($9.3 billion) in its environmentally-conscious lighting business in FY2020.

This technology transition in Toshiba's lighting business is expected to contribute the equivalent of 25.1 million tons a year in reduced CO2 emissions by FY2025.

"Toshiba is a corporate citizen of planet Earth. As such, we are strongly aware of and committed to the need to take positive actions now for the future,” said Atsutoshi Nishida, president and CEO of Toshiba Corporation. "We believe that manufacturers should take the lead in promoting measures for protecting and improving the environment, and at Toshiba we do that through a wide range of programs and by setting ourselves demanding targets and working to reach them. We seek to contribute to efficient energy generation and reduced energy consumption with environmentally friendly products.”