Lynk Labs updates company look, launches new website

Sept. 24, 2008
Lynk Labs has revitalized the company’s look and website to promote the green eco-friendly aspects of AC LED technology.
*** Press release from Lynk Labs ***

Lynk Labs Inc., the industry leader in AC LED technology, has refaced the company’s look to promote the eco-friendly benefits of AC LED technology.

LEDs are driving new eco-friendly lighting solutions, and Lynk Labs AC LED technology is being designed and specified into next-generation LED lighting solutions.

OEMs in general lighting and other markets are developing LED lighting product strategies and Lynk Labs is working close with customers to help develop and promote the green friendly aspects of LED lighting.

In addition to the new company look and website, Lynk has also developed and trademarked an image of an LED with a tree inside that will be used to brand "green" eco-friendly AC LED products from Lynk Labs and also from Lynk Labs’ suppliers and customers.