Secrets of smart CO2 reduction

Aug. 10, 2008
In late May, Roy Burton made a presentation to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Scotland, about how to reduce CO2 in an intelligent way.
The UK Government has committed to the ambitious goal of reducing CO2 emissions in 2010 to 20% below 1990 levels, with a longer-term goal of 60% reduction by around 2050. So how can you reduce CO2 levels without having a negative impact on your bottom line? LED lighting provides opportunities today for cutting CO2 while saving energy and saving money.

Lighting is responsible for over 20% of world electricity consumption, most of which is consumed in non-domestic applications. Investors and futurists love to chat about solar, wind and bio-fuels for energy generation. Energy efficiency gets a lot less attention, but the potential for savings is significant. Wholesale adoption of LED lighting could cut world electricity consumption by 10% — that’s a lot of CO2.

London has over 5000 traffic intersections, each one comprising an average of 10 traffic signals, making ~50,000 signals. If London were to convert those to LED lights the resulting saving in electricity alone, assuming a cost of 6 pence per unit, turns out to be almost £1 million, with a consequent reduction in carbon emissions of more than 9.5 million kg.


This article was published in the July/August 2008 issue of LEDs Magazine.

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