Intermatic forms Electrical Contractors Council to acquire customer feedback about smart technologies

Jan. 28, 2015
Intermatic Incorporated has announced the formation of its 2015 Contractors Council. Comprised of 14 residential and commercial electrical contractors, the Council is part of Intermatic’s ongoing commitment to capture the Voice of its Customers.

Rick Boutilier, President and CEO of Intermatic, says that the Contractors Council reflects the company’s commitment to understanding contractors’ needs in today’s changing market. “As we develop new products, we’re committed to hearing the voice of the customer and responding to their needs. The Council is a great vehicle to make that possible,” said Boutilier. Liz Jacobs, Vice President of Marketing, adds that the initiative was also prompted by the speed of technological change that is impacting the industry. “The world electrical contractors are working in is fundamentally changing. In addition to setting up electrical wiring, they are now being asked to set up smart houses, and some are even involved in the design of smart cities,” said Jacobs. “Contractors are being expected to move along with technological innovation. We’re determined to help contractors meet these new demands.” The 14 Council members represent both residential and commercial contractors. They cover a wide range of geographical regions as well as all levels of contractors. “The Council goes all the way from the installer to firm owner,” said Jacobs. “We have presidents of contractor firms, individual contractors, project managers, and even a firm treasurer. Combined, they give us insights into all aspects of their businesses and all dimensions of their needs.” The Council’s charter is to provide Intermatic with informed input, recommendations and feedback on selected strategic technology issues as well as recommendations on feature enhancements and new product development. “Intermatic has a history of providing contractors with solutions designed for easy installation, effective control and energy reduction,” Boutilier says. “The Contractors Council will ensure that our product development process meets the needs and values of contractors.”



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