LumiCam 2400 - Convinces with pin sharp images

May 23, 2018

The LumiCam 2400, by Instrument Systems, presents a new imaging photometer and colorimeter for the
characterization of displays, control and display elements. The camera enables the analysis of luminance and color distribution
of screens and multifunction displays within seconds. The powerful, user-friendly software compliments all LumiCam models.
The LumiCam 2400 delivers images with an effective five megapixel resolution, enabling the evaluation of extended instrument
clusters or small details with an extremely high resolution. The imaging measurement system is perfect for versatile automotive
test applications, e.g. measurement of luminance and color distributions of displays and control elements or uniformity analysis
of flat panel display screens in car interiors.
The accompanying LumiCam software calculates all relevant variables, e.g. luminance, color coordinates, color temperature,
color homogeneity or dominant wavelength. A wide range of analysis tools enables a comprehensive evaluation of the measured
values. The LumiCam software also offers freely configurable false color presentation for the impressive visualization of data.
Therefore all relevant quantities can be calculated, analyzed and impressively visualized.
Further information can be found on our website: