Stefano Dall'osso team emphasizes space with LED lighting in restaurant project

June 15, 2016

Stefano Dall’Osso and his work team designed the lighting project of a public space aimed at creating an intimate and relaxing dimension for the clients who spend their time there.

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The V.I.P. Restaurant can be found in the core of the fair area of Geneva: the Palexpo, a convention centre of 106.000 mq with international appeal.

The lighting intervention of Stefano Dall’Osso involved the reception and the restaurant hall and took inspiration from elements that recreate the harmony of nature and evoke pleasing sensation: clouds, drops, bells and mushrooms.

The main target of this ambitious project was that of creating a warming atmosphere, able to raise unexpected emotions in people who are dining, thus contributing to their wellness. The lighting works as a frame that puts on stage the environment and the furniture design: in this way artificial light can dilate the time of fruition inside the restaurant, thus prolonging the pleasure to stay and live the context even during the night hours.

Inside the V.I.P. Restaurant different light fittings have been installed with a high colour rendering index (CRI) and colour temperature (K) with well balanced luminances to create the right mood and exalt the architectural peculiarities of the room, conferring an attracting aspect.

In this public place new technologies have been adopted for their capacity of maximizing the energy efficiency with the minimum impact on the environment: all the LED light sources are cutting-edge products with low heat output.

The project contemplates a Lighting Management and Control System that allows adjusting fluxes and power of the installed light fittings and, at the same time, making the environment flexible and versatile thanks to the possibility of controlling 6 different light scenes that give birth to always-changing, but well-defined, scenographic forms.

In the reception and all over the main room, circular ceiling recessed light fittings of different diameters have been installed and they are scattered - like raindrops - in order to generate a light that gives dynamism to space.

Bell-shaped suspended light fittings have been placed above each table: they are equipped with ABS structure and have a black external finish and a gold foil internal finish. These precious lamps, suspended on the central tables, spread a carefully measured and well-directed light. With their elegance they are able to make the convivial moment really pleasant and guarantee the visual comfort while reading the menu and tasting dishes.

Just like a frame around the restaurant, wall-mounted satin steel light fittings have been placed that – sprouting out of the wall like mushrooms – contribute to characterise space and make it appealing.

With the contribution of H2light of Geneva that supplied all the light fittings for this particular lighting project, light has acquired a determining and fundamental role, allowing guests to find a stimulating dimension, in line with the style and mood of Palexpo.


Stefano Dall’Osso Lighting Designer

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