i-Pix Satellites for As I lay Dying

Oct. 4, 2007
Date Announced: 04 Oct 2007Lighting designer Mark Wynn-Edwards is lighting the current As I Lay Dying tour with 20 i-Pix Satellites as the core elements of his lighting rig.The energetic hard-rocking San Diego based metalcore 5-piece are currently undertaking an extensive European tour promoting their just released “An Ocean Between Us” album. It’s their first visit to the UK and Europe with their own production.When Wynn-Edwards, who has a great array of heavy, metal and punk bands on his CV, was recommended for the job of LD, he was informed that there was an expedient budget for ‘specials’ and other than that, he’d have to rely on house rigs at each venue.He listened to the music, took a look at the itinerary and budget, and realised that he needed to come up with something extremely inventive, effective, lightweight and versatile for ‘specials’ ….. which would actually be the most important element of the band’s lighting in terms of continuity.“It came to me in a flash!” says Wynn-Edwards, “I really needed a fixture that was mega-bright and spectacular that would flash, strobe and change colour very quickly to match the energy and intensity of the music. I also wanted to add a few elements of finesse and art to the show rather than just those mad wham-bam moments, and to make it look interesting and theatrical …… so Satellites are the absolute perfect solution. I knew I’d get exactly what I wanted!”He’s used them before – on The Klaxons and other tours and events – and so he was well aware of their capabilities.The 20 Satellites are being supplied by HSL. They are daisy chained together to reduce cable runs and keep the stage tidy, and the full rig can be run off a 13 or 16 Amp power supply in venues that are challenged for power – another great advantage of using low power light-sources.He places them at random heights around the stage. At the back they are rigged to 4, 6 and 8ft high scaff pipes on floor bases for a ‘wall of death’ type effect which goes down a storm!For the dark, moody moments, the Satellites are equally as useful. Allowing him to create subtle, ghostly flickering effects and atmospherics.Four Satellites are used to illuminate the backdrop and set banners. The banners hide the backline and they and the backdrops change throughout the show – a simple and effective way of creating multiple scenes and radically different looks.He’s delighted with the results, “It looks good, doesn’t cost a fortune and the band are also really happy” he states. He’s operating the Satellites plus 6 strobes – also supplied by HSL – from his own Jands Vista console which is touring with them, and then utilises the house rig on top of the specials show according to what’s available.

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