Doolim System unveils 150-watt warm-white LED street light with LED converter

Aug. 21, 2007
Date Announced: 21 Aug 2007 As a leader of LED Street light market in Korea , Doolim System launched the first 150-watt warm-white LED street light and had finished the pilot testing more than constantly 5 months turn on with 150 –watt led driver. This 150-watts white color Street Light output is 12,000 lumens and with correlated color temperature (CCT) at 5000K can keep LEDs junction temperature (Tj) constantly at under 55 °C as well. Recently launched model DL-150WSL which has a 15 white LED lamp (10W) and equipped with LED converter which is keep the constant current power.Doolim system got a government approval for the 150-watts led converter, which is the first approval in LED street light electrical safety division from the Korea Electric Testing Institute. 150W LED Converter which has a PFC circuit, EMI, ESD & EOS function and easily expands a automatic on/off function and RF technology. 150-Watt LED street light can be replace the existing 250W HPS Street light with a same range lux.The LED converter and LEDs driver unit are also parts of the lamp as an integrated lighting fixture. The full model of Doolim LED street (90W, 120W, 150W Street light/ 140w tunnel light) are now installing the domestic market at first.

Anthony Kyoung, Doolim System Co., Ltd. Tel: +82-2-706-7621 Direct Line : +82-2-706-7622 Fax: +82-2-701-7627

E-mail:[email protected]
