Date Announced: 23 Mar 2007 The Photo Research PR-680 SpectraDuo marks the beginning of a new era in light measurement. This unique patent pending, battery powered portable instrument is the first and only combined array detector spectroradiometer and PMT based photometer on the market.It can be used either as a spectroradiometer or as a highly sensitive photometer. Additionally, it can autoselect the most appropriate mode depending on the available light.The unique design of the PR-680 makes tasks such as spectrally based colourimetry and high speed, low-level luminance - required for display metrology - possible with a single instrument by supplying a wide dynamic range - 0.003 cd/m² (photometer and 1° aperture) to 2,200,000 cd/m² (spectral and 1/8° aperture) without using external neutral density filters.Some information about Glen SpectraGlen Spectra's role is to act as the UK representative for a number of US companies operating in the general field of light measurement. Most of the product range offered by Glen Spectra is complementary with the products of our parent company HORIBA Jobin Yvon, allowing us to offer a wider choice to our customer.
For additional information please contact Adam Holland on 020 8204 9517
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