i-Pix Announces new Middle East distributor

Feb. 4, 2010
Date Announced: 04 Feb 2010 UK based LED lighting manufacturer i-Pix announces DLC Dubai as its new Middle East distributor.This follows an increasing awareness of and interest in i-Pix' landmark BB range of products in the region over the last 2 years, together with their use and specification on several high profile projects by leading lighting designers including Svend Pedersen, Mark Cunniffe and Billy Aidie.DLC Dubai was formed in 1993 and will be supporting all companies in the region who are using i-Pix products for shows, events, permanent and temporary installations and those working on the numerous government projects.Completing this deal with DLC means that i-Pix products are now available across all continents. While the distribution network continues to expand, the Middle East was the last piece in a strategic geographical jigsaw giving customers a truly global sales and support network. This follows the meteoric success of its products in Europe and US.DLC Dubai offers the full i-Pix range - including the newly launched BB1, alongside the popular BB4 and BB7 units - for sale and rental. i-Pix is also intending to launch a new architectural range in 2010.Say's DLC Dubai's Lorraine Ludman, "i-Pix products came highly recommended by a number of the leading lighting designers with whom we work, so we were really keen on using and promoting them. The low power consumption is a definite bonus and they also have a great reputation for being robustly engineered and tough enough to withstand the rigours of touring."She adds that taking a high quality LED range onboard will also allow DLC to take advantage of the current government schemes which are encouraging energy conservation. With almost no heat emission and a lifespan of thousands of hours, minimal maintenance is needed on the BB range once installed, even further reducing any running costs for permanent schemes.i-Pix' Chris Ewington comments, "It's great to have DLC onboard - the company has an excellent track record and a reputation for being ground-breaking. The BB range has already been seen in action on prestigious shows and presentations in the Middle East, and it was always part of our planned growth to have a strong representation there."i-Pix' BB1 fixture is the first in a new generation of high output, low power lighting technology that has been specifically designed for challenging environmental and working conditions like those prevailing in the Middle East.

For more info on i-Pix, please call Louise Stickland on +44 (0)7831 329888 or +44 (0)1865 202679 or Email [email protected]. Call i-Pix direct on +44 (0)161 443 4140 or check : www.i-pix.uk.com

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