Date Announced: 01 Feb 2010 New line of LED lamps series "USS-Magistral" FOCUS embodied the most advanced solutions in the field of electronics and manufacturing technology. These lamps are designed to illuminate the highways, roads, squares, etc.LEDs are used in lamps from OSRAM with specially designed optics to obtain the required radiation pattern of light flux. This diagram provides a uniform illumination of the surface road, to ensure maximum comfort, safety of drivers and pedestrians.The main advantages of fixtures series "USS-Magistral": * Instant inclusion in a wide range of temperatures. * No starting currents. * Low blinding effect. * The high rate of color. * No flicker. * Quick return on investment through energy savings and lower operating costs. * High resistance to mechanical shocks and vibrations. * The service life of more than 20 years. * Heavy Duty execution. * Best price / quality ratio. * Noiseless. * Built-in multi-level thermal protection. * Built-in protection against over-voltage up to 800 V. * Built-in protection against lightning. * High stability of the current in the LEDs. * Corrosion resistant anodized aluminum housing. * Glass from the shock-optical polycarbonate. * Крепеж из нержавеющей стали. Stainless steel fasteners. * Patents on design and production technology. * To improve reliability, electrical fixtures have several independent parts.
"Focus" Co. 1, Melioratorov street, Schelkovo, Moscow region, 141100 - Rus, Russia +7 (915) 177-4494 +7 (903) 183-1118 +7 (496) 255-66-85
E-mail:[email protected]