Ghirardelli Square relamps with CAO Group’s Dynasty S14 LED lamps

May 7, 2010
Date Announced: 07 May 2010 -- San Francisco landmark switches from incandescent lamps to energy efficient Dynasty® LED lamps Salt Lake City –– The CAO Group, Inc.’s Dynasty® S14 LED lamp was unveiled today as the new choice for illuminating the landmark Ghirardelli Square sign in San Francisco. The retrofit is part of a green initiative by Ghirardelli and their commitment to the environment. The 46 year old Ghirardelli sign, which sits 100 feet in the air, features over 1,300 Dynasty® S14 lamps. Another 900 Dynasty® S14 lamps were installed throughout the Ghirardelli Square property, significantly reducing environmental, energy, and maintenance costs without compromising the lighting efficacy. Only consuming 1.7 watts of electricity per lamp, Dynasty® S14 LED lamps yield great energy savings comparing to 10-15 watt incandescent lamps. The annual CO2 emissions were reduced by 437 tons, or the equivalent of 38 households. The Dynasty® LED lamps decreased annual energy consumption by 68,000 KwH, or the equivalent of 8.5 households and saves Ghirardelli nearly $15,000 year on their electrical bill. The incandescent lamps only had a 2,000 hour lifetime requiring maintenance several times a year to replace burned out units, but maintenance costs have nearly been eliminated with the 5 year warranties that the Dynasty® LED lamps carry. “The Ghirardelli sign is a perfect marriage for the Dynasty® S14 LED lamps,” said Kerry D. Moore, LEED AP, General Manager of the Optoelectronics Division at the CAO Group. “This installation is a great example of how easy our patented 3 dimensional LED lighting technology can be incorporated into existing signs to produce equal or better efficacy in lighting in addition to great energy savings.”The retrofit is backed by a rebate by Willdan Energy Solutions, Ecology Action, and support from Pacific Gas & Electric (PC&G). “Ghirardelli Square strives to conduct its business in the most environmentally responsible ways possible,” said Lindsay Maxon, marketing and events director at Ghirardelli Square. “From our transition to using all LED lighting, to the collective efforts put forth by our retailers to reduce waste and the commitment from Fairmont Heritage Place to undergo ongoing operational improvements to support “greener” living, Ghirardelli Square has transformed into a cleaner, “greener” place for locals and visitors alike.” The new installation can be seen at Ghirardelli Square, 900 North Point Street, San Francisco. The CAO Group’s LED lighting division features LED lamps in various sizes. To learn more about the CAO Group and the Dynasty® lighting division, please visit For information about Ghirardelli, please visit For information about Willdan Energy Solutions, please visit For information about Ecology Action, please visit Photos of the display are available for the press.About CAO GroupThe CAO Group, Inc. (CAO), under the direction of Dr. Densen Cao, PhD, offers design, integration and manufacturing of Solid State Lighting, Solid State Signage, Optoelectronic components, Veterinary, , Dental, and Forensic products. CAO is headquartered in West Jordan, Utah, where the company operates an EN 13485 certified and FDA registered R&D/manufacturing facility. CAO is an innovative leader in technologies for engaged business. CAO owns more than 60 issued U.S. and international patents and more than 80 pending patents. CAO provides competitively priced products of the highest quality.*Dynasty® is a registered trademark of the CAO Group, Inc. (CAO).

CAO Group Contact: Brandon Schulthies Marketing & Communications, CAO Group, Inc. 801.256.9282 x 5553 [email protected] Willdan Energy Solutions Contact: Deanna Meredith Senior Marketing Manager, Willdan Energy Solutions 925.556.2600 x 1234 [email protected] Ghirardelli Square Contact: Lindsay Maxon, Marketing & Events Director, Ghirardelli Square 415-775-5500 [email protected]

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