Example coverage of the yard in St. Petersburg with a series of lamps USS

May 13, 2010
Date Announced: 13 May 2010 The main function of outdoor lighting - providing the orientation of people in space, arts and artistic design of open areas and facades. In addition, the coverage area is used for security purposes (security lighting) to ensure traffic (lighting driveways and parking areas), as well as to highlight areas of evening relaxation. This is the so-called functional lighting.In the twentieth century development of urban lighting has gone leaps and bounds - to replace incandescent lamps came discharge lamps, along with the purely utilitarian lighting there are such concepts as "decorative lighting", "architectural lighting of buildings". And with the invention of photodiodes and LED lighting system is controlled and dynamic.Environmental responsibility and energy efficiency - the company's philosophy "FOCUS", which she successfully implemented."FOCUS" organized in 2004 in the city of science Fryazino Moscow region. Our professionals have extensive experience in the field of electronics in military enterprises. The company began its activities with the development and manufacture of electronics for the special lighting on the orders of other companies - manufacturers. Parallel studies were conducted and tested in the field of optoelectronics, including in the direction of energy-efficient LED lighting.For many years, together with our partners was conducted analysis of the market manufacturers of power LEDs in Russia and abroad on the results of tests which identified the main producers of high-quality LEDs, a Japanese company NICHIA German and OSRAM, which have signed long-term partnerships.Today the company "FOCUS" mass-produce LED street lamps series USS, USS backbones with different types of fixtures and diagrams, lighting fixtures for indoor series of SPO, lighting for the field of housing and communal services, network LED spotlights white and colored glow series PS, pulse chargers . The products operate on different sites confirmed the superiority and prospects of LED technology.The company has a lot of innovative developments, patents, and implemented projects in the sphere of energy saving and conservation ecology."FOCUS" positioned itself as a manufacturer of high quality products. Manufactured products meet the most stringent requirements for reliability, passing 100% of output controls.Our mission - to make the fullest link innovative technologies to the market and promising market opportunity with a client.We appreciate the frank and open relationship and we value our reputation as a reliable partner. With the development of new technologies with modern lighting cities combines functionality, aesthetics and energy conservation. Today, creating the concept of lighting and electrical generating, the company - the contractors are trying to first solve the problem, which is put before them customers.To some critical lighting areas (streets, roads, squares), for others it is important to emphasize architectural features (architectural lighting, outdoor lighting of buildings), for the third important lighting design as a design element (landscape, park, garden lighting). Based on this chosen the necessary equipment. For example, in lighting of the yard are usually used outdoor lighting, decorative garden lighting often used for lighting in gardens, parks and gardens.

Russia, Shchelkovo, Moscow Region, Street Melioratorov, 1 +7(496) 255-66-85

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Web Site:www.ledsvet.ru