Date Announced: 01 Apr 2010 In manufacture of systems of street illumination there are new, economic technologies. To 70 % of the electric power also it is more possible to save with use of such technologies in municipal systems of street illumination. In Russia the Federal target program under power savings in which frameworks many regions have developed the ways of power savings with the account of features of this or that subject of federation operates. At all uniqueness of each region the general principle of economy of the electric power is modernisation of fixtures and the lighting equipment.Why it is necessary to modernise lighting system.Besides economy of the electric power, reconstruction of lighting systems to allow to lower and power consumption that is actual for variety of the regions having deficiency of capacities.Modernisation of street illumination has under itself and variety of the important social aspects. After all well-being of the population directly depends on state of the economy and rational use of resources.Because of insufficient illumination of streets the traffic occurs basically in the afternoon. The overload of a road cloth in rush hours leads to its destruction. Hence, modernisation of lighting systems will lead to reduction of expenses on the maintenance and operating repair of roads.Brightly shined streets give to the population feeling of confidence in a night-time. With approach of evening citizens can continue to conduct an active way of life and to visit places of carrying out of leisure in a time off.At last, the crime rate directly depends on illumination of streets at night. The statistics confirms that street crimes are made in dark places. Therefore reconstruction of systems of illumination allows to change to the best criminal conditions and to save budgetary funds, providing safety of citizens.
Shchelkovo, Moscow Region, Street Melioratorov, 1 The sales manager FOCUS Co. Prokhorov Igor
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