LED Perimeter for English Premiership Club

July 26, 2010
Date Announced: 26 Jul 2010 2009 was a fabulous year for Shenzhen Sansun, she reached sales target in just 7 months time. Also, the new factory in Hunan Province start running, it shorten the production time for all kind of LED display screens, within 20 days can send to clients.In early 2010, a well known English Premiership Club started to contact Mr. Karson Ho, the Business Manager of Shenzhen Sansun and discuss the LED Perimeter system to be installed in the stadium.“Due to the special request by the club, this LED Perimeter system has to fulfill 2 occasions, during match and non-match day. In order to do this, our new designed cabinet can acts as a Periemeter on match day; it can also assmeble to a big screen when non-match day, which the club can lease the screen to others and earn extra income” Explained by Karson.“Also, cabinet also has old features like, soft mask, adjustable stand, handles, etc. The 236 meters length of Perimeter is shipping to England and will be ready for the new season in August, 2010” He added.

Mr. Karson Ho Business Manager Shenzhen Sansun Hi-Tech Co., Ltd. Tel: (86) 130 684 57147 (SZ) (852) 9233 2213 (HK)

E-mail:[email protected] / [email protected]

Web Site:www.szboe.com/en