Reconstruction of street lighting in Russia

July 27, 2010
Date Announced: 27 Jul 2010 Until recently dimly lit streets Leninsk-Kuznetsk could certainly compete with thousands of lights beaming metropolitan. This year, in conjunction with the repair work on city streets has begun an active reconstruction of street lighting. This has helped to install LED fixtures USS-90 Highway, which set the official representative of "Focus" Ltd. "FOCUS-Siberia". The update also touched on other areas in the Power Utilities Leninsk-Kuznetsk.In production systems, street lighting, new, cost-effective technologies. Up to 70% of electricity and more you can save by using these technologies in the municipal street lighting system. In Russia there are federal program for energy conservation, in which many countries have developed their own ways of energy conservation in view of features of a federal entity. Despite the uniqueness of each region's overall principle of saving is modernization of lamps and lighting equipment.New line of LED lamps series "USS Highway" embodied the most advanced solutions in the field of electronics and manufacturing technology. These lamps are designed to illuminate the highways, roads, squares, etc.In the lamps of OSRAM LEDs are used with specially designed optics to obtain the necessary directional pattern of luminous flux. This chart allows you to obtain uniform illumination of the road surface, to ensure maximum comfort, safety of drivers and pedestrians.

Street Melioratorov. 1 Schelkovo Moscow Region 141100 Russia Tel: +7 (496) 255-66-85 Prokhorov Igor

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