LED ROI calculator app on iTunes

July 15, 2010
Date Announced: 15 Jul 2010 LEDealers announced a free release of the LED ROI Calculator App for the iPhone, and the iPad. This app enables the user to receive instant savings and payback calculations, when retrofitting traditional lighting with the energy saving, LED technology. The calculations include; - Total Watts saved. - Total kWh saved annually. - Annual power cost savings. - Payback from power cost savings. - Maintenance, labor, inventory etc. lifetime savings. - Total amortized savings per year. - Simple payback on power consumption and maintenance costs. - ROI (Return On Investment).As added bonus, the in-app Email feature, allows the user to send the results of the calculation , directly from his iPhone or iPad. Paperless transactions are the newest ways companies are increasing productivity and saving costs on paper and ink. Its the responsible thing to do. In app advertising is the newest, and very successful marketing tool. LEDealers has announced a LED ROI App sponsorship opportunity, which offers the sponsor an ability to display their company logo each and every time the app is accessed for usage. The LED ROI App has been released worldwide, and our download count is growing daily. This app targets LED professionals worldwide, with the right company sponsorship it will become a trusted tool and an industry standard.

Konrad Kwiatkowski Developer

E-mail:[email protected]

Web Site:www.LEDealers.com