Brandenburg Gmbh and Beacon Concepts LLC announce LucidShape 1.9

June 7, 2010
Date Announced: 07 Jun 2010 Windham, NH - Beacon Concepts and Brandenburg announce the Release 1.9 of LucidShape software with LucidFunGeo for lighting design and analysis. LucidShape reduces product development time by 30-50% providing for design, simulation and analysis of your product.The new LucidShape 1.9 release has many new features and improvements. Below are just a few:•In-core multithread simulation for Monte Carlo and Light Mapping •Improved speed in raytrace with accurate NURBS and with Triangle/NURBS•New surface tessellation algorithm for graphic display and ray trace•New Application menu structure with "design feature” offering•New Design Feature for backlighting and optimizationThis release provides for several improved simulation techniques. First, there are now 3 different simulation methods: the default simulation on NURBS, which is the most accurate; a fast simulation on triangles and finally a combined simulation of triangles and NURBS. Secondly, the surface tessellation builds a triangle representation for graphic display and for simulation. And finally, LucidShape now offers multithread simulation for Monte Carlo and Light Mapping as in internal process.The new Application Menu offers many design features for geometric modeling to give you predefined configurations to get you started: backlighting application with dot masks and prism band; Axis Pattern used in other design features; implementations for all MF base grid types: classic MF, zone matrix, rectangle, polar, globe grid, boundary curve grid; collimator with rectangle and extrusion shapes; and new model gallery for other lighting applications.Also an Optimizer has been implemented. It uses a genetic algorithm with a merit function object for the optimization process, thus giving a lighting target specification.

Barbara Calt Beacon Concepts, LLC Windham, NH 03087 Phone: 603-490-7513 Fax: 603-893-9392 Brandenburg GmbH's partner in the Americas

E-mail:[email protected]
