Diego Rivera's masterpiece now illuminated with LEDs

June 23, 2010
Date Announced: 23 Jun 2010 Diego Rivera, the worldwide known Mexican painter elaborated this mural in 1947 for a hotel lobby in front of a park "The Alameda" in Mexico city downtown.The 16x5 meters mural shows several persons of Mexico's history from XVI to XX century on a typical promenade around the park on a Sunday afternoon. Some of them are: Hernán Cortez "The Conquistador", Diego himself as a child and Frída Kahlo his wife, President Benito Juárez, President Porfirio Díaz and Carmelita Romero his wife and President Francisco Madero. During the earthquake of September 1985, the Hotel del Prado –where the mural was exhibited, was heavily damaged. The mural was rescued by transporting it to a new site on the opposite side of the park where it stands today as the central attraction of the museum dedicated to this painting.Carmen Gaitán, as the head director of the museum where the mural is now exhibited was very interested on the proposal of changing the 90 watt halogen lamps to leds, specially on the issue of energy savings and the infrared emission reduction.I chose the 12x2 watt PAR38 headlamp of BMD Lighting because of its long life guarantee, minimal infrared emission, CRI over 90, lumen output of 1400 which is good enough to keep a 150 lux around the painting using only 13 pieces. Consuming only 312 instead of the 1712 watts required by the halogen lamps, the museum plans to save enough energy and replacements in order to change the rest of the museum lamps during the next two years.

SOLO CON LEDS Michael Moscona presiedent Pasaje Interlomas 4-105 Centro Urbano Interlomas Huixquilucan, Edo. de México 52786 MEXICO

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