Territory Museum Prokhorovka box cover LED lamps FOCUS

June 25, 2010
Date Announced: 25 Jun 2010 On the territory of the military-historical complex "Prokhorovka field appeared a network of outdoor lighting with LED lights.Building networks of specialists of JSC "Center IDC" Belgorodenergo "done in anticipation of the celebration of 67 anniversary of the victory of Soviet forces in the largest tank battle of military history at the Third battlefield Russia.For illumination of motorway sections Yakovlevo-Prokhorovka passing near the memorial "Belfry" in Prokhorovka field of energy was installed 1.8 km of cable lines 0,4 kV transformer substations, 25 kW, installed in 1931 galvanized metal support and 31 energy-efficient LED lighting USS -180 Magistral capacity of 160 W with the same color as the territory of the historic complex.LED lamps are environmentally friendly, durable and reliable in operation. They consume 30% less electricity than lighting devices with mercury-containing lamps 250 W. The service life of such lamps shall be not less than 100 thousand hours of burning, which is equivalent to 25 years of operation, the press service of the company.Previously, similar equipment was installed on the street, Belgorod city highway Shebekino. In the future, LED lighting will be installed in the expansion of highway Korocha Gubkin Plants in Gubkinskoye area.In the summer of 1943 during the Battle of Kursk - the largest strategic defensive operation, Red Army - a small railway station Prokhorovka been unparalleled in the history of World War II tank battle. On a small field southwest of the station, later named "Tank", in a bitter battle came together several hundred combat vehicles Fifth Guards Tank Army and the Second SS Panzer Corps. The enemy sought at any price to achieve revenge for Stalingrad catastrophe, change the course of the war in their favor. And the change occurred, but only in favor of the Soviet troops. Hence, from Prokhorov's borders, they went hard, but victorious, by the way to Berlin.Following long-standing Russian tradition to establish the field of historical events for the edification of posterity memorials on the site of the battle Prokhorovka decided to create a memorial complex.April 26, 1995 Decree of the President of Russia was established by the State Military-Historical Museum-Reserve "Prokhorovka field. May 3, 1995 for the anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War was inaugurated Museum, which includes the following items:- Belfry;- Military technology;- Mass grave and worship the cross on the x. Storozheve;- Museum Prokhorovka tank battle;- Temple of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul;- Bell Unity;- "Field Shpetnogo";- Mass grave in with. Pretty;- Cultural and historical center;- Library NI Ryzhkov on the "Prokhorovsky field."The main monument museum-reserve is the Belfry, height 59 m (the authors of the project-VM Canines, RI Simerdzhiev, GK Solokhin). It consists of four white stone pylons, representing the four years of war. On top of pylons golden sphere - a symbol of the sun, the historic symbol of Russian power. Above the sphere rises seven meter sculpture of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary - patron and defender of Russia. Above pylons golden glow shining words: "No greater love, how to put life and soul for his friends. Inside the belfry, under the dome, hanging bell weighing 3.5 tons. Three times an hour, every 20 minutes, he notifies the blows of the three martial fields. The first ring recalls heroes Kulikovsky field, the second - Borodino, the third ring - the memory of the Battle of Prokhorovka field.Showdown in Prokhorovka field occurred July 12, 1943, the day of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul. According to the canons of the Orthodox Church of the temple named after their names.Height of the temple is 59 meters, its composition resembles a lighted candle. Special solemnity the temple gives a white color of the Transfiguration, the color of purity and nobility of soul, honored with eternal life. Inside the temple in white marble slabs engraved around seven thousand names of soldiers who died under Prokhorovna. Chief Architect of the DS Sokolov.On the same day, May 3, 1995, in Prokhorivka opened museum Prokhorovka tank battle, cultural and historical center, library, NI Ryzhkov.The uniqueness of the library in that its fund is formed on the principle of voluntary donations of book publishers, organizations, writers, public figures and private individuals. Basis fund - about a third of all literature - books from his personal library NI Ryzhkov. The collection has books, donated by Russian Federation President VV Putin, the governor of the Belgorod region, ES Savchenko, the State Duma deputies, businessmen and writers.State Military-Historical Museum "Prokhorovka field" monitors preservation of monuments of history and culture, organizing work to study the basic and the surrounding historic areas, the reburial of the remains of Soviet soldiers who serves as the main customer for the repair and maintenance facilities of the museum-reserve conservation landscaping and beautification.

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