Belgian Butcher Slagerij Johan installs PAS-NGL LEDS and saves 78% energy

Sept. 5, 2010
Date Announced: 05 Sep 2010 Belgian Butcher "Slagerij Johan" Haaltert Belgium reduces his light bill with 78%. Johan read an interesting article about a project PAS-NGL realised earlier. The article appeared in "De Beenhouwer", a news magazine especially for butchers in Belgium. The initial project was realised at butcher Schout Aalst. He also contacted PAS-NGL and asked for retrofitting his lights. PAS-NGL replaced 30 Halogen 50 watt with 6 W LED with CRI 0.93.These PAS-NGL MR16 realise a benefit of 88%. 25 TL-lights with magnetic ballast were also retrofitted with 3th generation PAS-NGL LED T8 tubes. Overall lumen output of LED-TL is 10% higher than before, with a 70% saving on energy.Lights are burning more than 80 hours a week. The ROI is less than 1.5 year. Warranty on lights is 3 years and expected lifetime is +12 years.The yearly benefit is around 2,500 €. The butcher is very happy with the benefit, it creates a very fast ROI and there is a win-win situation for seller and buyer. Another advantage is the elimination of black traces around the halogen fixture, so there is another saving on painting the ceiling every year. Energy consumption for cooling is also less, a second advantage of LED. The most important thing is that no customer sees any difference at all. Other Flemish butchers are also ready to start innovation and go for a greener and cheaper future, it also increases the rendement of their business.


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