EuroDisplay selected to provide over 50 pharmacy crosses

Sept. 21, 2010
Date Announced: 21 Sep 2010 After evaluating many companies (Italian and foreign), the managers of Farmacie Comunali Torino SpA (Municipal Pharmacies Group), selected Euro Display to replace all the pharmacy crosses of the pharmacies in the group.The Municipal Pharmacies Group (whose majority shareholder at 51% is the City of Turin) manages 34 community pharmacies of Turin and it is the most rooted reality in the Turin area.Being the largest Italian producer of pharmacy signs, the choice of the Municipal Pharmacies Group is a further confirmation of the leadership of EuroDisplay in the pharmacy crosses market.A clear sign that the quality and reliability (when offered at competitive prices) have returned to play an important role in the industry, after a period in which some "distributors" without a solid technical background, have tried to import and resell low cost pharmacy signs, with very bad results.Euro Display has been selected (1) for the reliability of the pharmacy crosses and (2) for the competitive prices, which both represent the core strengths of our Company for more than 30 years."What we have developed for the Municipal Pharmacies are the best pharmacy signs that we have produced to date" said Carmine Aversa, owner and founder of Euro Display."We have designed them specifically to meet Customer’s requirements, based on the strong foundations provided by our PharmaCrox pharmacy cross, that became famous in the industry for its reliability""And to minimize delivery times, we asked an extraordinary effort to our manufacturing team, that as usual, proved to be real professionals."The delivery of the first pharmacy signs has already begun and will continue for several weeks, until the complete installation of all 52 pharmacy crosses. In the coming days we’ll publish photos and videos of the pharmacy signs after the installation has been completed.

Euro Display Srl Via Mahatma Gandhi, 21 10051 Avigliana, Torino Italy Tel.: +39/011-954-1015 Fax: +39/011-954-1017 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:

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