Focus supplies LED lighting for modern warehouse complex

March 17, 2010
Date Announced: 17 Mar 2010 Company "FOCUS" realises the next project on equipment of modern warehouse complexes by light-emitting diode lighting devices. The department of logistics of a warehouse complex for illumination of an entered warehouse had been selected fixtures of series USS and SPO. For this purpose throughout three months tests for conformity of the declared given several kinds of fixtures were carried out.On the warehouse area are established more than 2000 fixtures of series USS and SPO. Thus the economy has made more than 1 МВт the electric power. With application of new fixtures of Company "FOCUS" have been solved also set of companion problems, such as a limit on capacity and reception of qualitative light. With release in a series of new light-emitting diode fixtures "FOCUS" the given cooperation will be continued.It already the fourth warehouse complex of a class "A" which is on a substantial scale equipped by production "FOCUS". We wish successes getting our production and are assured that our production will help and to solve current problems henceforth.

"Focus" Co. 1, Melioratorov street, Schelkovo, Moscow region, 141100 - Rus, Russia +7 (915) 177-4494 +7 (903) 183-1118 +7 (496) 255-66-85

E-mail:[email protected]
