Road service station in Perm, Russia, using fixtures from Focus

March 12, 2010
Date Announced: 12 Mar 2010 Company "FOCUS" realised the project on introduction of power saving up light-emitting diode fixtures of series SPO in a building of road service station Perm.Results of the project have proved advantages of light-emitting diode fixtures of series SPO: economic and ecological expediency of introduction of Production. All declared technical characteristics, and, hence, recoupment and light exposure indicators have been justified, and the premise is resulted in the conditions of light exposure corresponding to all standards.The fixture of series SPO has a number of advantages before traditional sources of illumination such as: * instant inclusion at low temperatures, * a total absence of blinking, * a fast recoupment at the expense of economy of the electric power and the minimum expenses for operation, * high mechanical durability and виброустойчивость, * long service life (service life of light-emitting diodes till 100000 o'clock), * a good parity the price/quality, * silent work

"Focus" Co. 1, Melioratorov street, Schelkovo, Moscow region, 141100 - Russia +7 (915) 177-4494 +7 (903) 183-1118 +7 (496) 255-66-85

E-mail:[email protected]
