Modernisation of sports object is spent to Kazan. Light-emitting diode fixtures the USS-HIGHWAY were applied.

March 30, 2010
Date Announced: 30 Mar 2010 Modernisation of sports object is spent to Kazan. Light-emitting diode fixtures the USS-HIGHWAY were applied.The fixture the USS-HIGHWAY is intended for illumination of streets, roads, the areas. Power consumption from a network of an alternating current of 220 Volt - 90 W. Is replacement of fixtures with use of mercury lamps 250 W. It is irreplaceable in places where the economy of the electric power and very high reliability is required.All products are put and executed according to the confirmed budget documentation in volume and in the terms provided by the Contract, thus the supplier, Company "FOCUS" as the executor of works, has provided in due time and with high quality.While in service light-emitting diode production shows high technical reliability and profitability, does not demand additional service that provides its fast recoupment.Ecological responsibility and the power savings - philosophy of Company "FOCUS" which it successfully embodies in a life.Company "FOCUS" is organised in 2004 in Frjazino of Moscow Region. Our experts have a work wide experience in electronics sphere at enterprises VPK. The company began the activity with workings out and manufacture of electronics for the special lighting equipment under orders of other manufacturers. Researches and tests in the field of optoelectronics, including in a direction of power saving up light-emitting diode illumination were in parallel conducted.For many years, together with our partners the analysis of the market of manufacturers of powerful light-emitting diodes in Russia and abroad by results of which tests the basic manufacturers высокачественных light-emitting diodes were defined has been carried out, it is the Japanese company NICHIA and German OSRAM with which long-term partner relations are concluded.For today company "FOCUS" produces in lots street light-emitting diode fixtures with various types of fastening, fixtures for internal premises, fixtures for housing and communal services sphere, network light-emitting diode projectors of a white and colour luminescence, pulse chargers. Given production has positively proved on various objects, has confirmed the superiority and perspectivity of light-emitting diode technologies.The company has set of innovative workings out, patents and the realised projects, in sphere of power savings and ecology preservation."FOCUS" positions itself as the manufacturer of high-quality production. Let out products correspond to the most rigid requirements of reliability, passing 100 % the target control.Our mission — as much as possible full to connect innovative technologies with the market and promising market possibilities with the client.We highly appreciate fair relations and we value the reputation of the reliable partner.We constantly reduce the influence rendered by products "FOCUS" on environment, from applied materials to end production which is felt by our consumers. Our production does not contain mercury details, and also the soldering with lead.When speech comes about popularisation of ecological consciousness, we have at once a weight of bright ideas. And not only at us. Our partners divide our responsibility and aspire to increase of level of awareness of people about problems which face to our planet.Now we have started a ruler of light-emitting diode fixtures of series SPO which in a mode on duty consume all from 2 W in manufacture!!! And this ruler we named ECO.Worldwide there is a struggle for ecology in illumination, the power savings and struggle against light pollution. Since 2014 in territory of the Russian Federation will cease to sell usual lamps, being guided first of all by strategic reasons — to reduce emissions of hotbed gases, after all 65 % of total issue of "hothouse" gases are caused by a current consumption.Introduction of light-emitting diode devices and alternative energy sources will not lead to reduction of workplaces, and will qualitatively raise their professional level and will allow effectively and to spend electric equipment service less monetary. Problems will be seriously solved with light exposure, power consumption and loading on the electric system will decrease. Safety of ability to live will raise and ecological conditions will improve, the question with recycling of mercury light sources will be closed, and it is additional financial economy for the budget.One compact luminescent lamp contains from 2 to 40 mg of steams of the mercury instantly dissolved in air. Simple calculation will show that one broken lamp will lead to a poisoning 650 - 10 000 cubic metre of air (for the inquiry: the apartment the area 60 м2 contains 150 cubic metre of air).In Russia there is no effectively operating program of recycling a luminescent lamp. We will draw a simple conclusion that all quantity of thrown out lamps, taking into account their fragility, continuously poisons air in immediate proximity from a place of our residing.On a share of our generation has dropped out to live during exclusive time, decision-making time. Under forecasts of scientists, we still had only 10 years to rescue our future and to prevent the ecological accident caused by an exhaustion of natural resources and global climate change. Jokes have come to an end. Our life and a life of our children in danger. Now we still can change something...

Russia, Shchelkovo, Moscow Region, Street Melioratorov, 1

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