Bright Green lights up Dark Ages inside London museum

March 31, 2010
Date Announced: 31 Mar 2010 The Victoria & Albert Museum in London, has recently opened its new £30 million Medieval & Renaissance Galleries to the public. With artefacts spanning a period from AD300 to 1600 displayed over 10 galleries and 4 floors – the project has been a major undertaking.Bright Green Matrix™ was specified to backlight a series of stained glass windows to give the effect of daylight streaming through the glass. High performance and reliability were critical since the glass, once in position, is very difficult to move. The system was supplied in 1875mm, 1250mm and 625mm long ‘sticks’ to light areas as large as 2m x 2.5m. Bright Green Technology also supplied dimmable power supplies which allow the curators the ability to adjust the light levels if required.With a power saving and carbon saving of over 70% when compared to fluorescent tubes Bright Green Matrix is fast becoming the preferred choice for illuminating large displays, illuminated signs and outdoor media sites.

Terry Cattle

E-mail:[email protected]
