Priority Energy lights a regional award winning tennis complex

May 5, 2009
Date Announced: 05 May 2009 Hillcrest Racquet Club is one of the top tennis facilities in the North Eastern United States being awarded the club of the year 2008 by the USTA Middle States, operating in Reading, Pennsylvania. Hillcrest Racquet Club was looking to find a lighting solution to reduce their monthly demand for lighting while improving the light output for the tennis courts and the general area. The project has completed the first phase of the general area using the U-tube replacement, 4ft replacement, PAR 30 and the medium Incandescent replacement LED lights of Priority Energy. The second phase of the project will be to convert the court lighting from the 1,000W Metal Halides.The major concern of the tennis club was to ensure the best color of light as well as to have sufficient light output throughout the large 10 court facility. Priority Energy installation was to replace 4 fluorescent products with 3 of the 15W LED products achieving higher light output and the track lighting for the Pro Shop."Hillcrest Racquet Club are thrilled with their new lights knowing that they have been one of the first sports facilities to have a higher quality light while reducing their huge monthly operational costs of their lighting which represent 80% of their electrical bill." said Paul Prior CEO of Priority Energy. Hillcrest Racquet Club have not only reduced their monthly electricity bill already by $500 per month but have also reduced their carbon footprint by 760 MT. "We expect that with the completion of phase 2, Hillcrest Racquet Club will see a 65% reduction in their electrical bill each month." added Mr. Prior.

Priority Energy Toll Free 801 938-5296

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