Delta's LED streetlight wins award in 2009 Shanghai LED Street Lighting Fixture Contest

July 28, 2009
Date Announced: 28 Jul 2009 Delta's LED streetlight, model SLDT-12D7KCT, took part in the 2009 Shanghai LED Street Lighting Fixture Contest and received an award for its outstanding performance. The evaluation criteria are based on National Standards of CJJ45-2006 “Urban Road Lighting Design Standard”. This event also offers LED street lighting industry players an excellent networking platform to present their latest products to the organizer of EXPO 2010 Shanghai China. The contest was held by Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality and Shanghai World EXPO (Group) Co. LTD. at Shanghai New International EXPO Centre from July 7th to 10th.

Julia Chiang Solid-State Lighting Department Delta Electronics, Inc.

E-mail:[email protected]
