Funding Opportunity released for 2010 SBIR phase I projects

Oct. 9, 2009
Date Announced: 09 Oct 2009 The U.S. Department of Energy has released the 2010 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I funding opportunity, which includes topics related to solid-state lighting (SSL). The SBIR program seeks to increase the participation of small businesses in federal research and development. Phase I projects evaluate the scientific or technical merit and feasibility of ideas with commercial potential. The 2010 SBIR topic area related to SSL has three main areas of interest – two focusing on transitional technology and one on supporting technology:
  • Transitional Technology for Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
  • Transitional Technology for Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs)

  • Supporting Technologies for Off-Grid SSL Applications
Proposals are due November 20, 2009, and grants will be made in FY10. For more information on this funding opportunity, visit the SBIR website at

U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solid-State Lighting program

E-mail:[email protected]
