Corus installs LED area lighting network in a factory setting

Dec. 1, 2009
Date Announced: 01 Dec 2009 An intelligent, long lasting lighting system that reduces power, lowers carbon emissions and allows the customer to be in control of light intensity, energy consumption and associated costs.PROJECT: Installation of Low Energy Designs' SunRAY 110WattsLED area lighting network in a factory setting.Corus as a company are making large steps in trying to dramatically reduce their carbon emissions and reduce their running costs in difficult times. Therefore the company trialled some LED lights in a variety of plants in small numbers. Based on these results the firstbuilding at Corus MSM in Scunthorpe was commissioned using Low Energy Designs' SunRAY 10 LED fixture.The new factory has been specifically designed to help in maximising the light by using white or reflective walled areas where possible along with some skylights to allow natural light to seep into the building.The new factory operates twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week, so requires good quality lighting. A lighting system designed by Low Energy Designs Ltd enabled the Corus to reduce power usage without compromising on lighting quality. In fact, the SunRAY 10lighting units supplied have a wavelength which closely replicates natural daylight to blend in with the natural light coming from skylights.The LED products with their inbuilt light sensor allowed the lights to operate automatically by switched on and off depending on the ambient light inside the building so creating additional savings, in addition to this the lights operate wirelessly to set on/off or dimming at low traffic times or out of general hours.A Corus spokesperson commented, "It’s amazing when the sun shines through the skylights the lights dim or switch off automatically saving power. We can also dim them down by any amount of watts if we don’t need so much light as well as a million other options it allows us to do to save more energy. "I’m genuinely impressed with the quality and uniformity of the white light from the low energy luminaries, the low maintenance will show huge cost savings for many years to come."ResultsThe table compares power and cost of 27 x LED SunRAY 10 units with 30 x 400W Metal Halide units. (The installed system was designed to provide comparable light output and coverage using SunRAY units to replace Metal Halide units).

Low Energy Designs Limited 11/13 Bridge Street, Bailie Gate Industrial Estate Sturminster Marshal, Dorset BH21 4DB, UK Phone: +44 (0) 1258 858 171 Fax: +44 (0)1258 858 170

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